The Medical & Operating Theatre employs about 30 doctors. All well-educated experts in their fields. With a lot of work experience.
Lækning is equipped with state-of-the-art technologies and tools for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases within the relevant specialties.
Lækning works in close collaboration with Skurðstofan ehf. located in the same building at Lágmúli 5, to the great convenience of our customers.
Skurðstofan ehf. is newly renovated with the latest technology and equipment.
We would like to inform our customers that Lækning will be closed on the following days over Christmas and New Year's: December 23, 2024 24....
We will be closed in Medicine and Surgery on Wednesday, November 6 from 12:00-16:00. Dear customers, Due to the funeral...
Closed – December 24th Closed – December 25th Closed – December 26th Closed – December 31st Closed – January 1st...
We note the change in opening hours over the Easter weekend. Thursday 6 April (Thursday) : ClosedFriday 7 April (Good Friday): ClosedMonday 10 April...
Skurðstofan ehf closes at Þorláksmessa on 23 December and reopens on 2 January. We wish our customers a Merry Christmas & A Happy One...
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