Lækning will be closed due to construction

Lækning will be closed on the 2nd and 3rd floors due to construction from July 1st to August 6th. Skurðstofan will be closed during the same period for summer holidays. Doctors will be available on the 4th floor, and the reception of Lækning will temporarily move to the operating room during the construction period. There is no need to check in at the reception before seeing your respective doctor on the 4th floor, and you can register your arrival on the check-in screen there.

The operating room/reception has a separate entrance which is to the left of the entrance to Lyfja.

Telephone answering and appointments will be open by calling 590-9200 throughout the summer.

Customer note

Unannounced forfeiture is sufficient reason for charging an online bank.
Doctors charge fees for phone appointments, certificates and prescriptions outside of appointments.


Lækning, Lágmúla 5, turned 25 on March 1, 2022.
During this time, nearly 750,000 patients have visited us. For that, we are grateful.
At Skurðstofan ehf. At the same time, approximately 45,000 surgeries of various kinds have been performed.
In Lækning and Skurðstofan ehf. Currently, there are about 30 specialist physicians in various fields of medicine. Everyone with a good education and extensive work experience.
We thank everyone for their good communication and look forward to the future

About us

The Medical & Operating Theatre employs about 30 doctors.  All well-educated experts in their fields. With a lot of work experience.

Lækning is equipped with state-of-the-art technologies and tools for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases within the relevant specialties.

Lækning works in close collaboration with Skurðstofan ehf. located in the same building at Lágmúli 5, to the great convenience of our customers.
Skurðstofan ehf. is newly renovated with the latest technology and equipment.